The Prince of Peace is the Ultimate Gift, Part 7
The peace that Jesus gives is greater than anything in this world. It is a peace that can only be described as surpassing all understanding.
The peace that Jesus gives is greater than anything in this world. It is a peace that can only be described as surpassing all understanding.
As well as receiving eternal life, the moment we accept Jesus as our Saviour we receive amazing blessings that only He (Jesus the Eternal Father) can give, these include…
The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates he is the Mighty God in many ways. This includes creating, curating and one day concluding all things.
The blessing of knowing Christ as our Saviour is that we have “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).”
There is only one person who can truly claim the name Wonderful. That person is the Lord Jesus Christ – the Son of God. He is perfect and came into this world for one purpose: to die on the cross for our sins, thereby giving us an opportunity to have eternal life.
Undoubtedly, God gave the thing that was most precious to him when He sent His Son into the world to save us.
It saves us, if we believe, from a fate too awful to imagine, providing us with a destiny too amazing to understand.