God is Awesome: Habakkuk’s Praise

This praise of Habakkuk is truly magnificent. It reaffirms that God is supremely powerful and mighty and his authority is unrivalled throughout all worlds. Further, it shows that he is faithful to his people.

A short note on God’s Judgement: What Habakkuk Saw

Just as God held these people accountable, He will hold us accountable. While we may not be guilty of the same sins – we are all sinners. However, God, in love sent his Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) to die for our sins and He willingly experienced the judgement we rightly deserve.

Faithfulness in Even More Despair: Habakkuk’s Trial (Part 2)

Habakkuk’s testimony inspires us to remain faithful to God, knowing that He is faithful. It serves as a reminder that no matter how deep our despair may be, God will never abandon us and has a plan that will preserve and prosper us. It also reassures us that He will always help us, His timing is perfect, and He will use difficult situations to bring us closer to Him by revealing more of Himself and His ways to us.

Faithfulness in Despair: Habakkuk’s Trial (Part 1)

Habakkuk’s testimony reminds us that we should always speak to God when we are in despair. Let us never lose faith in our faithful God no matter how hard things might be. Instead, we should reinforce our faith by telling him our complaints and concerns.