Benefits of Spending Time with God – Part 4

This occasion shows us that when we are feeling afflicted, targeted and fearful, the best course of action is to seek the Lord! We enter into a realm where He has complete authority. It also shows us that our Lord will come to us, no matter how much doubt we may have.

Benefits of Spending Time with God – Part 3

This occasion shows us that when we are feeling afflicted, targeted and fearful, the best course of action is to seek the Lord! When we do we enter into a realm where He has complete authority giving us peace and gladness.

Benefits of Spending Time with God – Part 2

In times of stress and hardship, we may not feel his presence – but he is there and at precisely the right moment he will reassure and comfort us by showing us that he has been there the whole time.

Benefits of Spending Time with God – Part 1

Perhaps the greatest blessing we have when see the Lord as Isaiah did is that we will be in awe of Him while simultaneously being reminded of our unworthiness, leading us to consider his indescribable love, grace and mercy.

Two amazing facts about everlasting life

While we wait for that day, we have the wonderful privilege of learning more about the amazing person with whom we will spend eternity…The more we learn about him, the more we will realise that our final destiny is to be with someone who is too wonderful to comprehend.

The Greatest Father

Greatest Father

This great, infallible, Heavenly Father sent his unique son to die, then raised him from the dead, so that we can have the opportunity to believe and thereby receive eternal life.

Five Reasons why God is the GREATEST!

Throughout scripture, God declares Himself “greater” than many things. In this snippet, we will consider five of these occasions and how each of them reminds us of something exceedingly magnificent about our Saviour God.