Mary, the servant who praised God

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Mary, the servant who praised God

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38


Reading Luke 1:26-56 prior to reading this snippet is recommended.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a courageous, faithful, and willing servant of our God (Luk 1:31). She is a tremendous example to everyone who knows God as their saviour.

It is difficult to imagine the uncertainty and anxiety she likely experienced when told by an angel of God that she was pregnant. Further, that the baby inside her was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 17:14). Her life had instantly changed; her plans to marry Joseph and her own life were now in jeopardy. Despite whatever feelings she might have had, she maintained confidence in God her saviour.

Upon learning that her cousin Elizabeth was also pregnant she immediately went to visit her.  When Elizabeth first sees her, she exclaims how blessed she is to see Mary, the woman chosen by God to be the mother of her Lord (Luk 1:43).   In response, led by the Holy Spirit, Mary sings a song of praise (Luk 1:46-52).  This song of praise is a wonderful example of how we can honour God.  It has three themes:

  • God Only: She describes him as magnificent, mighty, holy and her Saviour. She also praised him for his grace, mercy and kindness towards her.
  • Humility: In honouring God she was careful to describe her “lowly estate” and attribute the blessing(s) she had to God. Further, she described how her focus on God brought her spirit joy.
  • God’s Authority: Knowing that God’s greatness and faithfulness have never diminished she refers to the promises He made to Israel and Abraham as well as the perfect justice (righteousness) he administers.

None of us are blessed the same way that Mary was. However, each of us is blessed and loved by the same God.  Therefore, we can all follow Mary’s example and sing our own song of praise, highlighting what God has done for us and who He is to us… this is precisely what He wants you and I to do!

