About me
I am a Christian having accepted that Jesus (who I believe to be the Lord and the Christ) died on the cross for me. I believe he died and then rose from the dead. I believe he did this because he loves me (us) and wants the best for me (us). I believe his death was necessary to save me (us) from the consequence of my (our) sins (Romans 3:23). I know, having accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour (Romans 10:9-11), I am saved which means that after I die I will be living with God forever (Titus 1:2). Further, I know that anyone who believes that Jesus died on the cross for their sins will be with Him also (Rom 10:13) – and therefore saved from a horrible and never-ending existence (John 3:36). I also know nothing can cancel anyone’s future with God, once someone accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour they are saved forever, as nothing can separate them from His wondrous love (Rom 8:37-39).
I urge you to accept him also – if you have not already done so. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” John 3:18
About the Website
Each article (snippet) has been deliberately kept short which means much more could have been said, however, my conviction is to provide insights (snippets) that can be read within a few minutes. Further, it is my prayer that each snippet helps readers to develop their own thoughts based on God’s word as the Spirit leads. Note, each snippet can be viewed as part of a set unified by a common topic, passage or person. These sets can be accessed by clicking on the Tags at the bottom of each article or using the search/filter options on the this page.
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