We are a holy sacrifice

We are a holy sacrifice

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

Here and elsewhere in the bible, God sets out his expectation, we are to offer ourselves as a holy sacrifice. Three important truths that help us understand what it means to offer God “Holy” sacrifices:

  1. God is described as “Holy, Holy, Holy!”(Isa 6:3).
  2. The word “Holy” has a special meaning in the bible. It has many aspects to it including purity, righteousness and sacredness.
  3. The fact that God is described as holy three times over is significant. Three speaks of God’s all prevailing divine authority and power to the exclusion of everything else. Consider for example Calvary; 3 times our Lord is recorded as praying in the garden (Mat 26:39, 42, 44), there were 3 crosses (Joh 19:18), 3 hours of darkness (Mat 27:45)  and he rose from the dead on the 3rd day after giving his life{1 Co 15:4). On each of these occasions, God was actively implementing a heavenly work that was planned before time began (1 Pet1:20)  and that was beyond any human influence (Isa 53:10).


Reflecting on these truths can only lead us to one conclusion: God’s holiness (purity, righteousness, sacredness etc) is beyond any human ability to comprehend and express. Reaching this conclusion is necessary if we are to offer our bodies as acceptable living sacrifices as it reminds us that we present ourselves to a great and awesome God who deserves the best that we can bring to him.

An example of when this appreciation was lacking is found in the story of Cain. Cain brought God the fruit of the ground.  God did not accept it (Gen 4:3-5).  Cain’s sacrifice, I suggest, showed that he lacked appreciation of God’s holiness. Previously, God had shown his absolute holiness when he provided animal skins to Cain’s parents to cover their sins (Gen 3:21). This was in place of their poor attempt to use fig leaves.  Note, for the skin of an animal to be provided it must have been sacrificed – nothing less can satisfy the holy, holy, holy God (Gal 2:20). In short, God’s holiness is undeniable, non-negotiable and of the highest degree.

A second necessary feature of presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is to be separated unto him. The statement “Be ye holy even as I am holy” is stated twice in scripture (1 Pet 1:16) as well as implied many more times (e.g., Col 1:10). Being separated unto God has a real and meaningful impact on our lives as it provides us with a sense of fulfilment and purpose. This sense of fulfilment and purpose exceeds any experience this world can offer and therefore encourages us to bring to him (in his strength) the best (holiest) we possibly can.

Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he! Psalm 99:5